Starting a business is easy. You think of a product or service to sell, come up with a name (make sure the name isn’t already registered) and register it, and pay your initial filing fee. Now you're a business owner.
But now what?
You need the business to generate revenue. The internet can make you think that you will generate revenue once you create a social media profile and money will automatically roll in.
It takes a lot of work and effort to generate revenue once you've established your business.
But how? That’s where marketing comes in.
Here are 5 simple marketing practices that Small Business Owners can implement to grow their business.
1. Create Your Digital Assets.
Secure both your domain name and all your social media profiles, even the ones you don’t think you’ll use.
Your website is one of the few assets you own. Make sure that your website conveys the message(s) that you want your target audience to know about your business. Your website content should include information about:
What Your Company Does?
Why It Matters to the Customer?
Your company’s value proposition
How visitors can Support Your Business?
Your Company Story
Also, when creating your website please make sure you have a professional email address that includes your business name, such as, not just []. People will judge the legitimacy of your business based upon this.
There are several website builders that allow small businesses to create their website without being a developer, such as and
Once you register your business name, you should secure your social media accounts in your company name, regardless if you plan to use them immediately. Secure them all in the event that you want to use them in the future, that way you don’t have to worry about someone else having them when you decide you want to create that profile a few years down the road.
2. Identify Your Competitive Advantage.
There are likely several others in your space that do the exact same thing, so you need to identify what makes your company unique. What is it about your company that gives you an advantage against your competition?
For example, there are several marketing agencies in the market, but what makes Dumas83 unique is that we are a black-woman owned firm in Washington, D.C. operated by a native Washingtonian and we amplify client’s brands using proven marketing theory and develop avant-garde concepts.
Once you identify your competitive advantage, let people know why your business is unique and why they should choose you over the competition.
3. Know Your Target Audience
The different generations use different types of media (i.e.- TV, radio, social media, magazines, etc.) to consume information. If you know your target audience, then you know where they consume information.
For example, you're not going to reach a 19 year old by advertising in a magazine. You'll reach them on Tik Tok, YouTube or gaming sites. One of my previous clients is an HVAC technician, and I suggested that he have a presence on homeowner apps such as Thumbtak, Next Door, etc. to grow his customer base. While this isn't the only way to reach his audience, it helped him acquire new clients. For me, as a 30 something year old, it's all about Word of Mouth Marketing and email marketing.
So understanding your clients helps you understand where or how to market your product(s) or service(s) to them.
4. Messaging
When promoting your business, you have to ensure that the message you’re conveying resonates with your target audience. This is why understanding your audience is so important. This message will be shared across all marketing touchpoints (marketing collateral, social media, website, articles, blogs, advertisements, etc.).
Let me go bible real quick -- Proverbs 18:21 says “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”
The tongue can be used as a weapon to harm and destroy or as a tool to build and heal. What kind of impact do your words have?
And the same is true for your marketing efforts. The words you chose to promote your company to your target audience can either draw them in or push them away. Watch this reel I made about messaging.
When you create messaging to reach your target audience, make sure you’re using words and phrases that resonate with them. Stay away from slang, if possible, because you don’t want to appear unprofessional or as if you’re trying too hard.
5. Promote. Promote. Promote.
One of the reasons people buy your products or services is because they know about it. They can't know about it unless you promote your business. Promotion can be word of mouth, whether it's referral or you're talking directly to someone about your business. Promotions can also be print or digital advertising.
One of my first paid clients was a result of a direct conversation I had with her, informing her that I launched my marketing agency. She had recently launched her business and despite her having a marketing background, she didn't have the bandwidth to promote it herself and was ready to outsource her marketing efforts.
You also have to constantly promote your company or service so it stays top of mind for your customer. You never know which of your marketing messaging will cause your target audience to buy. Remember this phrase: “Tell Them, Tell Them Again and Tell Them Again” when it comes to promotion AND remember that consistency is key.
While there are several other, more complex, marketing practices, these are the best ones to get you started.
If you would like to schedule a free marketing consultation to discuss your specific needs, please do not hesitate to reach out (